Do you need someone to introduce you to London’s great art collections? To explain the jargon and talk about why and how such works became the ‘greats’ of art history? Julia Musgrave can not only give you the knowledge necessary to survive in any art gallery in the world, but also make learning a fun and engaging experience.  Check out what Courses and Lectures she has scheduled or get in touch to book a private event or tour.

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Julia Musgrave is a freelance accredited Art Society lecturer in the History of Art. As an art historian she gained her first degree from the Courtauld Institute of Art, her MLitt from the University of Glasgow, and her PhD from the University of York.  She also has a degree in Chemical Engineering. Her research interests range from British Modernism to the Renaissance. She is a lecturer in Art History at the City Literary Institute (City Lit), and Co-Director of The London Art Salon.